Order Process - Dear Customer, Once you submit your order in the shopping cart, we shall reach you with the Proforma for payment and loading.

Terms & Conditions
Last updated: January 2024

The Sale of Stock is subject to the following term of sale:

1) The current price overrides all previous ones listed on any earlier date. The currency is USD unless specified any.

2) Goods may not reflect quantities and stock ownership of all listed here.

3) This merchandise is EXW bonded warehouse in The Netherlands/Singapore or UAE.

4) Delivery dates are communicated deal to deal seperately on request for CRF terms.

5) The customs status of Netherlands goods detailed as T1 are not for sale in the EU Area.

6) ANDRIL do not warranty that the trademark rights of the trademark proprietor are exhausted in the country that the buyer intents to sell the goods.

7) Buyer is solely responsible for any trademark infringements and indemnifies ANDRIL as seller for all and any liabilities in this respect.


8a) PAYMENT TERMS - Advance 100% to be paid on pre-advice for transfer of ownership to the buyer, escrow accepted. Bank and Escrow charges are to the buyer.

9)  FOR CRF Deal

9a) PAYMENT TERMS - Advance 30% for order confirmation and balance 70% on copy of Draft BL mailed to the buyer. Escrow accepted. Bank and Escrow charges are to the buyer.

9b) If Shipper in BL is to be buyers designated party the Terms of payment will be 100% deposit on proforma before loading.

9c) FOB & FREIGHT CHARGES - will be communicated deal to deal on actual charges which are over and above the goods listed price.

9d) SHIPMENT DELAYS - Seller is indemnified on any delays after loading and handover of the shipment to the shipping line.

9e) B/L DETAILS should be given in FULL DETAILS at the time of order confirmation with Consignee's Telephone numbers and e-mail address

9f) MINIMUM USD 300.00 will be incurred if the buyer wish to change the Consignee in the BL after Proforma confirmation

9g) If the DRAFT B/L is not confirmed within 2 days from the date of email sent a LATE MANIFEST FEE of MINIMUM USD 300.00 will be applied, the same is subject to shipping lines rules and regulations.

9h) Once BL is manifested any B/L AMENDMENT will attract a FEE of MINIMUM USD 300.00.

9i) Shipper Name Change: In case of the buyer needs shipper name to be

9j) JURISDICTION: This sale and purchase of the Goods shall be governed by UAE law. All disputes and claims in connection with this transaction shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Arbitration at Dubai, UAE.

10) Stock subject to availability.